Perirenal Hematoma Induced by Acupuncture and Intramuscular Stimulation |
Seul Young Kim, M.D., Won Ik Jang, M.D., Sarah Chung, M.D., Dae Eun Choi, M.D., Ki-Ryang Na, M.D., Kang Wook Lee, M.D. and Young-Tai Shin, M.D. |
Renal Division, Department of Internal Medicine, Chungnam National University Hospital |
증례 : 침술 및 근육 내 자극치료 (Intramuscular Stimulation)에 의한 콩팥주위 혈종 |
김설영, 장원익, 정사라, 최대은, 나기량, 이강욱, 신영태 |
충남대학교 의과대학 내과학교실 |
Abstract |
Acupuncture therapy has been widely performed by staffs of oriental medicine in Korea, and intramuscular stimulation (IMS) therapy has been introduced recently and used for controlling myofascial pain in the field of orthopedics, rehabilitation, and pain clinics. To penetrate human tissues, relatively long needles are used in both procedures and these these may have some risks to puncture blood vessels. However, there were few reports about sequelae or complications after such procedures in Korean literatures. Recently, we experienced two cases of perirenal hematoma in patients without blood coagulation abnormalities (one case induced by acupuncture in oriental medicine clinic, and the other case induced by IMS in orthopedic clinic and was also accompanied by perirenal abscess). |
Key Words:
Hematoma, Kidney, Acupuncture, Intramuscular stimulation |