Korean Journal of Nephrology 2008;27(6):733-737.
Concurrent IgA Nephropathy and Minimal Change Disease in a Patient with Polycythemia Vera: A Case Report
Young Jong Jung, M.D.1, Beom Kim, M.D.1 , Kyoung Hyoub Moon, M.D.1, Hee Sup Kim, M.D.1, Ji Ho Kim, M.D.1 , Soo Yeun Kim, M.D.1 , Bong-Seog Kim, M.D.1, Youn Mi Choi, M.D.2 and Yong Mee Cho, M.D.3
Department of Internal Medicine1 and Laboratory Medicine2
Seoul Veterans Hospital, Seoul, Korea, Department of Pathology3
Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
증례 : 진성다혈구증에 병발한 미세변화신증을 동반한 IgA 신병증 1예
정영종1, 김범1, 조영미3, 김희섭1, 김지호1, 김수연1, 김봉석1, 최윤미2, 문경협1
서울보훈병원 내과1, 진단검사의학과2, 울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 병리과3
Polycythemia vera is a hematopoietic stem cell disease, characterized by sustained and excessive proliferation of erythrocytic, granurocytic and megakaryocytic cells in the bone marrow resulting in pancytosis in peripheral blood. There have been a few reports of glomerulonephritis with polycythemia vera, most of which were IgA nephropathy. We report a case of a polycythemia vera associated with proteinuria. We confirmed the polycythemia vera according to World Health Organization criteria. Renal pathology showed IgA nephropathy and minimal change disease. Periodic phlebotomy was done andhydroxyurea was administered without specific managements for renal disease. After 3-month treatment, hemoglobin level decreased and proteinurea disappeared.
Key Words: Polycythemia vera, IgA nephropathy, Minimal change glomerulopathy

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