Lymphocele Presenting by Scrotal Swelling after Kidney Transplantation |
Yeon Joo Chun, M.D., Ji Han Yu, M.D., Hee Yeon Lee, M.D. Chul Woo Yang, M.D., Yong Soo Kim, M.D., and Byung Kee Bang, M.D. |
Departments of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea |
증례 : 신장이식 후 음낭 부종으로 발현된 림프낭종 1예 |
전연주 유지한 이희연 양철우 김용수 방병기 |
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 내과학교실 |
Abstract |
The lymphocele after renal transplantation is usually observed around the graft. We here report an unusual case of lymphocele mimicking hydrocele. The patient was admitted due to scrotal edema. We initially diagnosed this patient as a case of hydrocele, but biochemical data of aspirated fluid was consistent with lymphatic fluid, and abdominal CT revealed fistula between scrotum and graft. This finding suggests that the lymphatic fluid accumulated around the transplant kidney has migrated to the scrotum to form a lymphocele. In conclusion, lymphocele is a rare cause of scrotal swelling but should be considered as a possibility when a transplant patient develops scrotal swelling. |
Key Words:
Lymphocele, Testicular hydrocele, Kidney transplantation |