A Case of Periureteral Varices with Nutcracker Syndrome Diagnosed by Intravenous Pyelography |
Hyung Soo Kim, M.D., Jin-woong Park, M.D., In Sik Won, M.D., Kwen-Chul Shin, M.D., Sejoong Kim, M.D., Jaeseok Yang, M.D. and Hyun Hee Lee, M.D. |
Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, Gil Medical Center Gachon University of Medicine and Science, Korea |
증례 : 호두까기 증후군에서 정맥신우조영술로 진단된 요관주위 정맥류 1예 |
김형수, 박진웅, 원인식, 신권철, 김세중, 양재석, 이현희 |
가천의과학대학교 길병원 내과학교실, 신장내과 |
Abstract |
Renal pelvic and periureteral varices are rare cause of hematuria. On the intravenous pyelography, periureteral varices show a scalloped corkscrew-like appearance to the ureter without evidence of proximal obstruction. The cause of these varices includes renal vein thrombosis, obstruction of the inferior vena cava, congenital anomalies of the inferior vena cava or renal veins, infection, malignancy and nutcracker syndrome. We report a case of Periureteral Varices Diagnosed by Intravenous Pyelography caused by nutcracker syndrome. |
Key Words:
Hematuria, Varicose veins, Renal veins, Urography |