Korean Journal of Nephrology 2009;28(3):227-229.
Sulodexide-induced Hyperkalemia: A Case Report
In-Il Park, M.D., Myung-Jin Choi, M.D. ,Jong-Woo Yoon, M.D., Young-Ki Lee, M.D., Sung-Gyun Kim, M.D., Ji-Eun Oh, M.D., Jang-Won Seo, M.D., Hyung-Jik Kim, M.D., Jung-Woo Noh, M.D. and Ja-Ryong Koo, M.D.
Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine Hallym Kidney Research Institute, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea
증례 : Sulodexide 유발 고칼륨 혈증: 증례 보고
박인일, 최명진, 윤종우, 김수진, 박태진, 송영수, 이영기, 김형직, 노정우, 구자룡
한림대학교 의과대학 신장 내과, 신장 연구소
Sulodexide is composed of two glycosaminoglycans (fast-moving heparin 80%, dermatan sulfate 20%) that are capable of preventing diabetic nephropathy by correcting abnormal glycosaminoglycan metabolism. Considering heparin-like propertyof sulodexide, side effect profiles of sulodexide are expected to be similar with those of heparin. Among those side effects, we remarked on heparin-induced hyperkalemia and hereby report a case of severe hyperkalemia during the use of sulodexide. A 52-year-old man with diabetic nephroapthy and hypertension was admitted to our hospital because of severe hyperkalemia up to 7.5 meq/L. His clinical condition was stable and medications including losartan and furosemide had not been changed for last 6 months except the addition of sulodexide, which was started 30 days prior to admission. Despite intensive use of Kayexalate and immediate discontinuation of losartan, hyperkalemia aggravated up to 8.0 meq/L. After recognition of possible sulodexide-induced hyperkalemia, sulodexide was discontinued, which resulted in rapid correction of hyperkalemia. In view of the above discussed clinical consideration, we suspect sulodexide as a major cause of hyperkalmia and report this case with a review of literature.
Key Words: Sulodexide, Hyperkalemia, Diabetic nephropathy

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