Korean Journal of Nephrology 2009;28(5):474-479.
A Case of Multiple Venous Thrombosis as the First Manifestation of Lupus Nephritis
Ji Young Seo, M.D.1, Gwang Sil Kim, M.D.1, Dae Myung Kim, M.D.1, Sun Young Kim, M.D.1, Kyung Don Yoo, M.D.1, Jin Hee Hong, M.D.1, Hye-Won Joo, M.D.1, Yong Mee Cho, M.D.2, Sang Hyun Kim, M.D.1 and Won Do Park, M.D.1
Departments of Internal Medicine1
Sanggye Paik hospital, Inje University, Departments of Pathology2
Ulsan University College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
증례 : 다발성 정맥 혈전증으로 발견된 루푸스 신염 1예
서지영1, 김광실1, 김대명1, 김선영1, 유경돈1, 홍진희1, 주혜원1, 조영미2, 김상현1, 박원도1
인제대학교 의과대학 상계백병원 내과학교실1, 울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 병리학교실2
Kidney involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is common. The incidence of venous thrombosis in SLE ranges from 5-15%, and venous thrombosis in lupus nephritis associated with nephritic syndrome or antiphospholipid antibody syndrome is reported in 30-35%. Lupus nephritis with nephrotic syndrome is not infrequently encountered at the point of diagnosis of SLE, but venous thrombosis as the first manifestation of SLE is rare. Herein we present our clinical experience with a case of multiple venous thrombosis with nephrotic-range proteinuria as the first manifestation of lupus nephritis.
Key Words: Systemic lupus erythematosus, Venous thrombosis, Lupus

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