만성 신부전에 합병된 결핵의 임상상 |
윤형진 , 김윤구 , 안규리 , 한진석 , 김성권 , 이정상 |
Abstract |
We analyzed twenty two patients with chronic renal faiure complicated by tuberculosis, who were admitted to Seoul National University Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine from Jan 1984 to Dec 1988. The inci- dence was 1.9% (22/1186), and fourteen were males and eight were females. Among twenty two patients, eleven patients had only respiratory tuberculosis and the others had nonrespiratory tuberculosis with or without in volvement of the respiratory system. In nonrespiratory tuberculosis, female and dialysis patients were more frequent than those in respiratory tuberculosis. The sites of involvement in patients with nonrespiratory tuber- culosis were lymph nodes (three), peritonium (one) and bone and joint (two), genitourinary system (one) and both peritoneum and lymph nodes were involved in one patient. Miliary tuberculosis was observed in two patients and in one patient, the diagnosis was confirmed by therapeutic trial of antituberculosis drugs. In our series, complications during treatment of tuberculosis were observed in three of twenty two patients and there were two deaths but there was no mortality directly from tuberculosis. |