Cyclosporin A로 관해를 유도한 Steroid 저항성 미세변화형 신증후군이 병발된 IgA 신병증 1예 |
고세중 , 김병길 , 이종균 , 배기수 , 정현주 , 최인준 |
Abstract |
We report a case of an 8 year-old-girl with steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome with pathologic features of minimal change disease and deposition of IgA in the mesangial regions. She was treated with corticosteroid for 4 weeks without an initial response, and then pulse therapy was tried without effect. Cyclosporin A was then administered with corticos- teroid for 6 months and remission was successfully induced. We discussed the concomittent presence of both minimal lesion nephrotic syndorme and IgA nephropath- y, and their possible pathogenesis including T-cell abnormalities are reviewed. |