여자 CAPD 환자에서 반복 발생하는 복강내출혈 (Recurrent Hemoperitoneum During CAPD) |
박민선 , 김경수 , 황승덕 , 이희발 , 이권해 ( Min Sun Park , Kyung Soo Kim , Seung Duk Kwang , Hi Bahl Lee ) |
Abstract |
Of 30 women in the reproductive age receiving CAPD for more than 3 months, 13 had menstrual bleeding. Of these 13 patients, 11 had recurrent hemoperitoneum mild in 9 and heavy in 2 patients requiring blood trans-fusion. One patient had recurrent hemoperitoneum in mid-menstrual cycle and required repeated blood trans-fusions. Left ovarian cyst was found on pelvic ultrasono-gram and pelvic CT scan. After oral anovulant therapy with Danazole no further bleeding occurred and hematocrit rose and remained stable. Recurrent midcycle hemoperitoneum in women on CAPD may be related to ovulation and ovarian cyst formation. We suggest pelvic ultrasonogram and/or pelvic CT in these patients to search for the ovarian cyst or other abnormalities. Suppression of ovulation appears to be effective in recurrent midcycle hemoperitoneum. |