IgA nephropathy의 병리조직학적 검색 |
김명재 , 임천규 , 조병수 , 김윤화 , 양문호 |
Abstract |
A histopathological study for 79 cases of IgA nephropathy has been carried out from a series of 359 specimens of renal biopsies, which were examined by light microscopic and immunofluore- scence study at Dept. of Pathology, Kyung Hee University Hospital from Jan., 1981 to June, 1985. All cases were correlated with their clinical finding.. Tbe results were as follows; 1) 22.0% of renal biopsy specimens were IgA nephropathy. 2) Male to female ratio was 1. 7: l. 2) Age distribution were under 10yrs 5.1%, 10 -19yrs 10.1%, 20-29yrs 41. 8%, 30-39yrs 32. 9% .and 40-49,.yrs 10. 1%. 4) The clinical symptoms were gross hematuria 37. 9%, microscopic hematuria 79. 7%, proteinuria (non nephrotic) 73. 4%, nephrctic syndrome 13.9% leukocyturia 18. 9.%. 5) The distribution of the light microscopic diagnosis were minimal change lesion 24.1%, mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis 32. 9%, focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis 15. 2.% 1 glomerulitis 11.4%, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis 3.8%, resolving phase of pos- tstreptococcal glomerulcnephrit,1.3% cresccntic glorzerulonephritis l. 3,%, & end stage kindey 1.3%, 6) Immunoperoxidase staining did not show sa- tisfactory results comparing with immunofluores- "cence staining. |