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Volume 30(1); Jan 2011
Hemoglobin Variability Associated with Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents
Eun Hui Bae
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):1-3.
Toll-Like Receptors and Kidney Diseases
Jung Woo Noh,
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):4-17.
Methylprednisolone Pulse Therapy for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in Children: with the Mendoza Protocol
Eun Ae Yang, Hyo Jung Park, Min Hyun Cho, and Cheol Woo Ko
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):18-25.
Clinical Characteristics and Risk Factors of Acute Kidney Injury in Patients with Acute Alcohol Intoxication
Jihan Yu, Yeongsin Shin, Hyun Ju Jung, Yu Seon Yun, Hyun Gyung Kim, Young Soo Kim, Sun Ae Yoon, Yong Soo Kim, and Young Ok Kim
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):26-34.
Clinical Experience of Proximal Radio-Cephalic Fistula
Seong Cho, Sung Rok Kim and Yu-Ji Lee
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):35-40.
Hemoglobin Variability Associated with Different Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents in Hemodialysis Patients
Su-Kyoung Park, Kyu Sig Hwang, Joon-Sung Park, Chang-Hwa Lee, Chong Myung Kang and Gheun-Ho Kim
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):41-47.
Pulmonary Hypertension in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients with Maintenance Hemodialysis
Chang Su Chung, Young-Ki Lee, Jong Soo Choi, Seung Min Lee, Young Rim Song, Soo Jin Kim, Tae Jin Park, Jieun Oh, Jang Won Seo, Jong-Woo Yoon, Ja-Ryong Koo, Hyung Jik Kim, Jung-Woo Noh and Seonghoon Choi
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):48-52.
The Effects of Low Sodium Dialysate in Hemodialysis Patients
Sun-Min Kim, Jin-Gun Kim, Jung-Ho Shin, Woo-Jin Nam, Jae-Ug Lee, Su-Hyun Kim, Dong-Jin Oh and Suk-Hee Yu
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):53-60.
Low-Dose Nafamostat Mesilate in Hemodialysis Patients at High Bleeding Risk
Eun Yi Kim Young-Ki Lee, Seung Min Lee, Myung-Jin Choi, Young Rim Song, Soo Jin Kim, Tae Jin Park, Sung Gyun Kim, Jieun Oh, Jang Won Seo, Jong-Woo Yoon, Ja-Ryong Koo, Hyung Jik Kim and Jung-Woo Noh
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):61-66.
Sexual Functioning in Male Hemodialysis Patients
Sung Rok Kim
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):67-72.
Mortality Predictors in Patients Treated with Continuous Renal Replacement
Eun Jung Kim, Chul Ho Chung, Moo Yong Park, Soo Jeong Choi, Jin Kuk Kim and Seung Duk Hwang
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):73-79.
A Case of Renal Salt Wasting Syndrome Induced by Cisplatin for Chemotherapy
Hye Won Hwang, Shin Han Song, Seung Tae Han, Jae Seok Kim, Byoung Geun Han, Seung Ok Choi and Jae Won Yang.
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):80-83.
A Case of Severe Acute Renal Failure Due to Sodium Bromate Intoxication
Sung Hyun Park, Ki Hoi Kim, Jeong Gwan Kim, Ji Eun Song, Wang Guk Oh, Jung Hwa Kim and Kwang Young Lee
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):84-86.
A Case of Adult Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome Associated with Thin Basement Membrane Nephropathy
Ji Eun Song Ki Hoi Kim Jeong Gwan Kim Wang Guk Oh Sung Hyun Park Kyung Chul Moon Jung Hwa Kim and Kwang Young Lee
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):94-97.
A Case of Nocardia farcinica Brain Abscess in a Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis Patient after Steroid Treatment
Han Seung Tae Kim Young Sub Song Shin Han Uh Young Han Byoung Geun Choi Seung Ok and Yang Jae Won
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):98-101.
Lupus Cystitis and Azathioprine-iIduced Pure Red Cell Aplasia in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Tai Yeon Koo Hyun Jung Kim Kyung Min Kim Dong Kyu Oh Geum Borae Park and Sang Koo Lee
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):102-106.
A Case of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcal Urinary Tract Infection and Pseudomembranous Colitis Co-Infection
Jeong Gwan Kim, Ki Hoe Kim, Sung Hyun Park, Ji Eun Song, Wang Guk Oh, Jeong Hwa Kim and Kwang Yeong Lee
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):107-111.
A Case of Emphysematous Pyelonephritis Complicated with Septic Pulmonary Embolism
Jung Hee Koh, Jung Seop Eom, Jung Sub Kim, Sang Heon Song, Im Soo Kwak and Eun Young Seong
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):112-115.
A Case of Peritonitis Due to Achromobacter xylosoxidans subsp. xylosoxidans in a Patient Undergoing Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD)
Ju Hyoung Lee, Yun Kwon Kim, Se Han Lee, Jae Hyun Jo, Sang Jun Park, Chang Min Yu, Ji Won Yu, Seong O Suh, Yong Hyun Park, Han Seok Seo, M.D. and So Chong Hur, M.D.
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):116-119.
Rhabdomyolysis Induced by Hypothyroidism in a Kidney Transplant Recipient
Yoo-A Choi, Sang-Ju Lee, Suk-Young Kim and Yoon-Kyung Chang
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):120-124.
Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis
Won Suk An
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):125-128.
Risk Factors Influencing Decline of Residual Renal Function in Patients on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
Gun-Hyun Kim, M.D., Seung-Hyea Hyun, M.D., Hye-Jin Seo, M.D., Ji-Young Choi, M.D., Ji-Hyung Cho, M.D., Chan-Duck Kim, M.D., Sun-Hee Park, M.D. and Yong-Lim Kim, M.D.
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):129-129.

Kidney Research
Clinical Practice

Print ISSN: 2211-9132
Online ISSN: 2211-9140

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